Friday, September 30, 2011

Favorite time of year...Fall and Operation Write Home!

Since its fall, I decided to post this layout. Very simple with some stamped embellishments. This is my now 13 year old, youngest son...I LOVE this picture of him!
So Tomorrow is World card Making day, and although I don't know If I will be able to take part as I will be traveling to Maine, but I wanted to tell you all that this may be the perfect oppurtunity to make a card or two and make some cards for Operation Write Home , read about it HERE I heard about this from the Gel-A-Tins blog site...see here

So I hope you all have a good weekend! And make some cards!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Occupational Hazards HA HA! and a bunch of cards and one LO

So on Friday I decided to play while I was at work..things were slow might as well get some creative work done lol...Well, I had inked up a stamp, stamped my image perfectly and then..... The phone rang and a client came in and I had to put everything off to the side and  THIS hasppened...
A big ugly ink spot on the folded edge of the card..I was devistated lol...

So I held onto the card...and when I got home showed my Boyfriend Kevin, he said "just toss it and start a new one" Oh no...I couldnt do that I loved the stamped image...and waste a card...what! unheard of!
So Sunday afternoon I sat down in my craft space at his house and was determined to fix it and This is how it came out....

Not to Shabby huh? I Love it!! and really that is all that matters lol...

Here are some of the other cards I made this weekend..You will notice a theme...embossed lines with the stamped sentiment...I got the new scoring tool from Stampin up and I am so happy I did...

I also made another card using some scraps from the layout I had dome the other day... and used a peice of a LYB journal spot or two...

And last but not least.... A Birthday Layout...Did this a few weeks back but figured my birthday just past so it was fitting to post! lol
Well, I hopw you all have a great week..I certainly am off to a great start! Thanks for Visiting!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

You know your a red neck when...

When you go to a wedding in Jeans and you sit on Hay bales! But let me Tell you I think they are on to something....It was very relaxed...not stuffy!
I also got a layout done this weekend....

Well, Its Sunday afternoon and we are of for a bike ride...Enjoy your Sunday!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Big 40

Okay Friends..Its Happened! My Birthday snuck its way into my world again.  And I'm flip flopping between feeling old and Feeling Fabulous... I like the thought of being Fabulous at 40..This is a new year for me...New love in my life...Things are coming together in my world so why shouldnt it be Fabulous Right! So I dont need to reinvent myself I just need to love myself and be free to be me at Fou-ty lol  I ryhmed!! Okay, I think that is my cue to go home now!

Good Night Everyone!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Ha Ha...when Life does not go as planned...

So I got home last night, made a big pan of  shepards pie..and then went into a downward Got the beginnings of a card for an upcoming wedding done and flopped on my bed...KO'd by my long hard day at the office lol
BUT...There is HOPE! I will have only one precious child at home tonight..The other is going to spend the night at my dear loves house to Babysit his daughter...(i think there may be some secret squirrel Birthday stuff going on lol) ANyway..I just got turned onto this new Pinterest site and it's CHUCK full of ideas and eye I'm bursting with stuff I wanna make...

So...Take Two!

Happy Wednesday

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Tonight the night!

Kevin is taking the kids shopping (for my birthday-40-EEEK) and I will have the house to my self. I have sketches printed and ideas brewing...I also have a boat load of re-organizing ideas I want to get done also...So It may be a marathon dash to fit it all in, but this chick is going to try! Wish me luck!

Friday, September 2, 2011

Shes Back in the Saddle again..

Insert Aerosmith version here ...he he he

She's Crafty... Yup, I found my groove ... Here is a few things I've been creating...

And Heres the Finished Product...

So, Below< I told you aboout a cool contest happening at RetroCafeArt! They have the coolest SHrine kits, which I think I have fell in love with... Anyway...Here is what I made for the contest? Hope you like!!!